Fortinet | Create network interface with Python!
Welcome to my first blog post! In this post, I’ll walk you through the process of creating, changing, and deleting network interfaces on a FortiGate device using Python and its REST API. This script will be useful for automating tasks such as managing interfaces on FortiGate devices, whether you’re working on a single device or managing multiple units.
One of my goals with this blog is not only to share what I’ve learned but also to continue learning along the way. As a network engineer and a technology enthusiast, I believe that sharing knowledge is a powerful way to both teach and expand one’s own understanding. Writing these posts helps me solidify my learning while giving others the opportunity to grow with me.
- Generate REST API token
- Generate a base script
- Create an interface
- Change an interface
- Delete an interface
Generating REST API token
config system api-user
edit [API user name] ## example: Python-API
set accprofile super_admin
config trusthost
edit 1
set ipv4-trusthost x.x.x.x/y
edit 2
set type ipv6-trusthost
set ipv6-trusthost xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::xxxx/y
Navigate to System -> Administrators -> Create New -> REST API Admin Fill in the following:
- Username: [API user name] for example: Python-API
- Administrator profile: super_admin
- PKI Group: toggle off
- Trusted Hosts: x.x.x.x/y and/or xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::xxxx/y
Generate a base script
We need to generate a base script to communicate with the FortiGate in order to add, change and delete an interface later on.
Import some libraries to communicate with the FortiGate
import requests ## API handling
import urllib3 ## Suppress SSL warning
Define the variables
fortigate_api_token = '' ## Specify API token generated in FortiGate Administrators
fortigate_ip = '' ## Specify FortiGate IP with HTTPS access
fortigate_port = '' ## Specify FortiGate HTTPS port
Create a reference for the requests library
apisession = requests.session()
Disable SSL verification
urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) ## Disable invalid SSL warning
apisession.verify = False
Define the API header
## API header
api_header = {
'Accept': 'application/json', ## Specify API format
'Authorization': f'Bearer {fortigate_api_token}' ## Specify Bearer token
Create an interface
Using the base script, you can now add functionality to create an interface.
Define function
def create_interface(api_url, api_body, headers):
response =, json=api_body, headers=headers)
return response
Define the API url
interfaceapi = f'https://{fortigate_ip}:{fortigate_port}/api/v2/cmdb/system/interface'
Define the API body
interfaceapi_body = {
"name": "", ## Example: Test
"vdom": "root", ## Default VDOM
"mode": "static", ## static / dhcp
"ip": "x.x.x.x/y", ## Example:
"status": "up", ## up / down
"vlanid": "", ## Example: 1001
"interface": "", ## Example: internal1
"role": "lan" ## lan / wan / dmz / undefined
Send the request to FortiGate
interfaceapi_request = create_interface(interfaceapi, interfaceapi_body, api_header)
if interfaceapi_request.status_code == 200:
print(f'Interface creation successfull')
print(f'Interface creation failed, code: {interfaceapi_request.status_code}') ## Print HTTP error status code
Verify the interface creation
config system interface
Navigate to Network -> Interfaces
Change an interface
Using the base script, you can now add functionality to change an interface.
Define function
def change_interface(api_url, api_body, headers):
response = apisession.put(api_url, json=api_body, headers=headers)
return response
Define the API url
interfaceapi = f'https://{fortigate_ip}:{fortigate_port}/api/v2/cmdb/system/interface/<interface_name>'
Define the API body
interfaceapi_body = {
"name": "", ## Example: Test
"vdom": "root", ## Default VDOM
"mode": "static", ## static / dhcp
"ip": "x.x.x.x/y", ## Example:
"status": "up", ## up / down
"vlanid": "", ## Example: 1001
"interface": "", ## Example: internal1
"role": "lan" ## lan / wan / dmz / undefined
Send the request to FortiGate
interfaceapi_request = change_interface(interfaceapi, interfaceapi_body, api_header)
if interfaceapi_request.status_code == 200:
print(f'Interface changed successfull')
print(f'Interface change failed, code: {interfaceapi_request.status_code}') ## Print HTTP error status code
Verify the interface creation
config system interface
Navigate to Network -> Interfaces
Delete an interface
Using the base script, you can now add functionality to delete an interface.
Define function
def change_interface(api_url, headers):
response = apisession.delete(api_url, headers=headers)
return response
Define the API url
interfaceapi = f'https://{fortigate_ip}:{fortigate_port}/api/v2/cmdb/system/interface/<interface_name>'
Send the request to FortiGate
interfaceapi_request = change_interface(interfaceapi, api_header)
if interfaceapi_request.status_code == 200:
print(f'Interface changed successfull')
print(f'Interface change failed, code: {interfaceapi_request.status_code}') ## Print HTTP error status code
Verify the interface creation
config system interface
Navigate to Network -> Interfaces